This was the 15th Funds Forum Frankfurt on 30 January 2024
On Tuesday, 30 January 2024, the 15th Funds Forum Frankfurt took place at the Frankfurter Literaturhaus with the title “ELTIF 2.0: What opportunities arise for Europe as a fund location?” (ELTIF 2.0: Welche Chancen ergeben sich für den Fondsstandort Europa?).
After the introductory presentation “ELTIF 2.0: Deregulation in the regulatory tsunami?” (ELTIF 2.0: Deregulierung im Regulierungs-Tsunami?) by Franzisca Stuckenberg (POELLATH, Frankfurt), the panelists Dr. Florian Bentele (Allianz Capital Partners GmbH and Allianz Global Investors GmbH), Adrian Aldinger (Arendt) and Frank Dornseifer (BAI e.V.) led a discussion chaired by Frankfurt based fund partner Dr. Peter Bujotzek.
The specialist event, which was followed by a get-together, provided the numerous representatives of the fund industry present with an opportunity to discuss current regulatory issues.