Funds Forum Frankfurt
Hamburger Fondsgespräche
M&A Lehrgang
Munich Private Equity Training
Venture Nights
ELTIF 2.0: Deregulation in a regulatory tsunami?
ESG in the investment process (German only)
MiFID II: closed-end funds and financial investment intermediaries (German only)
Venture Debt
Regulatory opportunities and challenges for the private funds sector from the European perspective: An eventful 2016 and the outlook for 2017
Reform of investment taxation - impact on closed-end AIFs (German only)
“Loan Originating Funds”: a regulatory “no go” in Germany? (German only)
The new regulatory environment of the KAGB for private equity and other closed-end funds, managers - what to do now? (German only)
AIFM Directive - Level II and the upcoming implementation into national law: The new “management company” for private equity and closed-end real estate funds?
The Asset Investment Act - New Rules for Closed-End Funds (German only)
The AIFM Directive: the new regulatory environment for private equity fund managers (German only)
National legislative changes in 2010 and current regulatory projects (German only)
Current developments in the framework conditions for real estate private equity funds and their institutional investors (German only)
The upcoming EU regulation of alternative investment funds (German only)
Annual Tax Act 2009 and the new scope of application of investment (tax) law (German only)
The amendments to the Investment Act (German only)